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The Cry of Mordecai: Awakening an Esther Generation in a Haman Age


Woven into the biblical account of a woman who saved her nation, are current situations facing Christians and Jews worldwide. From Jerusalem to Washington to Kiev to New York City, Robert Stearns examines how and why Christians need to be on the offensive, and offers five calls to action that will save a nation…or two.

Robert compares the possibly fatal challenge of Esther, the persistence of faithful Mordecai, and the evil Haman to modern-day Esthers, the ever-present Holy Spirit, and today’s Hamans who are targeting Christians and Jews for destruction.

Our fight is not against human beings. No, it is against rulers, against authorities, against world powers of this darkness, and against evil spiritual beings in the heavenly world (Ephensians 6:12 PEB).

The call is announced for an Esther Generation to wake up from the comforts of the palace and stand up on behalf of nations that face a threat even greater than Haman!
