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Showing 10–18 of 108 results

  • You Are a New Testament Watchman

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    You Are a New Testament Watchman


    Who is a New Testament Watchman and what are they called to do in this unique hour of history? This teaching not only answers these questions but also equips you to fulfill this “Watchmen’s Call” for Israel and for the Jewish and Arab people who live in her midst.

  • The Watchman’s Power and Responsibility to Bless

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    The Watchman’s Power and Responsibility to Bless


    Each of us is a Watchman over something. In this teaching from the Watchmen on the Wall curriculum, learn how to maximize the blessing over whatever and whoever you watch over for God and His Kingdom. Science now supports the Bible, proving that our words not only affect emotions, but they also change our environment and even physical matter. Learn about the power of our words to bless and to effect change for the better, in Israel and in our own lives.

  • The Heart and Hands of Nehemiah

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    The Heart and Hands of Nehemiah


    We need to be engaged in building up the right walls in our generation. There were pivotal moments in Jewish history, where things could have gone one way or the other, and the people had to make a choice. We are given a clear picture of this in the book of Nehemiah.

    As Nehemiah made a choice to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem with a group of his men, Sanballat and Tobias were opposed to the work that was being done. There will always be a voice opposing the word of God in your life, and the first step of the enemy’s strategy is to mock you and the work God has given you. We need to be dedicated to the work on the “wall” God has called us at any cost. Opposition will distract, divide and defeat you or it will drive you to covenant resolve. Fight for your families, your nation and your generation – the choice is yours…

  • Fruit That Remains

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    Fruit That Remains


    What are you investing your life into? Sowing is giving to something with the expectation of a return. What you sow into something, you enter into a place of agreement with that thing. Every moment of our day we are confronted with the question “What is the rate of return in what I am investing in?” The power of agreement is essentially the road to covenant, and you will either with life or death.

    The prophetic is to confirm that which is good but also to expose that which is false; of tearing down and overthrowing that which is opposed to the kingdom of God. Matthew 13 speaks clearly that there will be a time of separation between the wheat and the tares. God is calling us to stop measuring our walk with him by experience and start measuring it by fruit. Choose to start investing today in that which will bring forth fruit that remains.

  • Worship is a Verb

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    Worship is a Verb


    In this teaching, Robert Stearns encourages you to step beyond how you may feel during a worship service and intentionally engage in the presence of God. Through biblical examples and scripture, Robert shares how we are exhorted to activate our worship through dancing, singing, shouting, clapping, standing and much more. This teaching is a call to the western church to no longer be entertained by talented worship teams, but to engage body, soul and spirit in worship of the King!

  • 14 Indicators Of Apostolic Christianity

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    14 Indicators Of Apostolic Christianity


    What was it about apostles that changed the course of human history? Acts chapter two contains 14 strong indicators of Apostolic Christianity. In this foundational teaching, Robert Stearns challenges us to take a hard look at what we are giving ourselves to so that we can be ones who produce fruit that remains.

    We need to receive a spiritual check up and compare form scripture what God tells us of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and what we are actually living in the church today. What was it about the apostles that changed the course of human history? How will we recapture the passion necessary to be World Changers in our generation? The message of the gospel has been watered down in our day and age and if we want to have the blessing, we must receive the cost as well.

  • French Watchmen on the Wall Manual

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    French Watchmen on the Wall Manual


    Sentinelles sur la Muraille de Jerusalem is a broad based but structured curriculum written by knowledgeable Christian Leaders, with a variety of relevant material and practical assignments. Our goal in writing and compiling this practical guide is to equip the believer for effective articulation to people and “informed intercession” to God, regarding Israel, her people and some of the political issues surrounding her. The Training manual is made up of approximately 20 chapters divided into three main sections:

    • Foundational Topics (including topics such as God’s Everlasting Covenant with Israel, The Jewish Roots of Christianity, The History of Christian Anti-Semitism, The Timeline of Israel, etc.)
    • Talking to God about Israel and Her People (How to Pray for the Jewish People in Israel and How to Pray for the Arabs in Israel)
    • How to Talk to Others ( Scriptural Rebuttal to Replacement Theology, Responding to Media Myths, How to Share Israel with your Pastor, FAQ by Jewish People to Watchmen, Important Facts about Israel, etc.)

    The manual is designed to be a broad based foundation, with concise but meaty chapters, that include statistics, facts, and insights from knowledgeable Christian Leaders in the land. At the end of each chapter, there is not only a list of additional resources for people who desire to delve deeper into a topic, but also, a series of Study Questions to reinforce the key information and to use for group study and discussions.

      *This manual is also available in English, Spanish, Polish, and German.
  • 5 P’s of the Tabernacle of David

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    5 P’s of the Tabernacle of David


    There is only one house that the Lord is building. God says, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7). In this hour, we are seeing the restoration of the Tabernacle of David – the restoration of God’s house of prayer in the earth. In a time of increasing moral relativism and religious systems that lack the fruit of God’s Kingdom, Robert Stearns challenges us to remain true to the calling and purpose that God has given His people for centuries.

    Now, more than ever before, believers must be engaged in releasing God’s heart into the world. Learn now about what God is building in the earth, through five key aspects of the Tabernacle of David: Praise, Prayer, Prophecy, Proclamation, and Personal Ministry.

  • German Watchmen on the Wall Manual

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    German Watchmen on the Wall Manual


    Wachter auf der Mauer is a broad based but structured curriculum written by knowledgeable Christian Leaders, with a variety of relevant material and practical assignments. Our goal in writing and compiling this practical guide is to equip the believer for effective articulation to people and “informed intercession” to God, regarding Israel, her people and some of the political issues surrounding her. The Training manual is made up of approximately 20 chapters divided into three main sections:

    • Foundational Topics (including topics such as God’s Everlasting Covenant with Israel, The Jewish Roots of Christianity, The History of Christian Anti-Semitism, The Timeline of Israel, etc.)
    • Talking to God about Israel and Her People (How to Pray for the Jewish People in Israel and How to Pray for the Arabs in Israel)
    • How to Talk to Others ( Scriptural Rebuttal to Replacement Theology, Responding to Media Myths, How to Share Israel with your Pastor, FAQ by Jewish People to Watchmen, Important Facts about Israel, etc.)

    The manual is designed to be a broad based foundation, with concise but meaty chapters, that include statistics, facts, and insights from knowledgeable Christian Leaders in the land. At the end of each chapter, there is not only a list of additional resources for people who desire to delve deeper into a topic, but also, a series of Study Questions to reinforce the key information and to use for group study and discussions.

      *This manual is also available in English, Spanish, French, and Polish.